Peter Braatz was born in 1959 in Solingen, Germany. He is also creating under the pseudonym Harry Rag. From 1977 to 2012 he has been a singer and songwriter in the punk band S.Y.P.H., one of the first in Germany. He graduated from the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin (DFFB). Since 1988 he has been an independent producer, director, screenwriter, editor, cameraman, photographer, sound designer and the owner of the production house Taris Filmproduktion, Germany – Slovenia. He edited most of Maja Weiss’ films. He directed 36 documentaries, shown all over the world: Berlinale, MOMA New York, St. Petersburg, Rotterdam. He has worked with David Lynch and Wim Wenders. The result of one of those collaborations, Blue Velvet Revisited, will be exhibited this year at Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival.